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Personal Profile

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" Putting yourself in other people’s shoes gives you insight into a life you have not experienced. "


I like to think of it as the non-fiction version of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. A portal into someone else’s world; along the way, you learn about people’s strengths, their struggles and creative ways to solve problems that seem unsolvable … it is the basis of every great story told.


I have had the greatest opportunities to work in organisations where listening to clients, establishing trust, understanding and empathy were central to the company’s success. I have been able to carry these qualities with me throughout my life.

My Honours Degree and experience in graphic design and illustration has equipped me with a deeper understanding of the design process. In my freelance capacity, much of my work has been to contribute to the success of businesses through creative solutions. This has taught me to know the importance of continuous development, flexibility and willingness to learn new things in order to meet the needs of clients.


Whether at a start-up or a more established company, my professional goals include joining a team in which I can apply and hone these set of skills to help grow a business. After all, the greatest stories ever told would not exist without a dynamic team.


I am a dual citizen of the UK and US and would be happy to work in either location.


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